Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Boobs are totally overrated!

There will come a day I'm sure when I won't talk about my boobs, or lack there of, anymore but today is not that day. lol I had my breast implants put in May 30th and I was so stoked to finally be done with all the surgerys for now and for about two weeks I was golden and loving my new, perky boobs but shortly after I completely my antibiotics I fell ill. I had a fever and just felt like shit and my left boob (non-cancer boob) was red and swelling. I immediately called the surgeon's office and they brushed it off as "I must have just caught a bug" and told me to call back in two days. I popped Perc's for two days and was pretty well useless because I felt so crappy. My boob continued to swell and get more red and my fever was about 103. Finally, I saw my family doctor and he said that there was definately something wrong. He gave me some antibiotics and when I saw the surgeon later on that day he gave me some more antibiotics. I was taking three different antibiotics at once and still my boob swelled. I have pictures that I will share one day on here but I'm not ready to yet (or maybe you're not ready for pics of my franken-boobs... haha). Anyway, I had emergency surgery (well it wasn't an actual emergency but since it was the next day I like to refer to it as emergency surgery). They took the implant out of my left boob aswell as 400cc of infected fluid...YUCK! and left me with a gaping wound that, until today, I had to have packed every other day. But, once the implant came out I felt like a million bucks and I still do. So, I'm a little lop-sided but I'd take that over fever and shitty feeling anyday. I will go back and re-implant the implant but I'm gonna wait until the winter (aka non-swimming season). Yeah, because of this gaping hole on my chest I can't swim... of course during the hottest summer in the history of Kitchener. Today I saw my surgeon and he said no more packing but it will still be about a month before the hole closes up... So I can go to the beach in September. My life is not just boobs and implants, I do have other things going on. We, The Rotten, played our first show back (after my surgery's) last Sunday and it was really fun. Then today we did a radio interview on Sound FM which, for those of you who don't know, is our community radio station in KW http://soundfm.ca/node/226. I sort of think of my life as pre-cancer and post-cancer. I think lots of people do but in my pre-cancer life I would hardly said anything during a radio interview and post-cancer you can't get me to shut up! I like post-cancer Ang :) Tomorrow we are playing a show at the Boathouse in Kitchener's Victoria park. I'm really looking forward to playing locally since we haven't in so long. Last Sunday (July 22nd... I will NEVER forget that date) was my two year anniversary of completing chemo. Sounds dumb but it might have been the happiest day of my life. I had this feeling of extreme accomplishment and it was like I was closing the book on pre-cancer Ang and welcoming Cancer surviving Ang in. Anyway, as a result I took a much needed day off of Mean Screens and spent all day Monday doing all the things I love and they included shopping at second-hand stores, working on my gardens and playing in our sprinkler. It was a really great break from the daily grind and I had the chance to reflect on my life and all I've been through and love the fact that I am alive and healthy today. So, if you are looking for something to do tomorrow and wanna continue to celebrate my chemo anniversary with me then come out to The Boathouse and we'll show you a good time ;)


  1. Aw Ang! Great post! I wish I had seen this earlier. Would love to have seen you guys playing at the Boathouse!

    So glad that you did stuff for YOU Monday! You deserve it!
